how to add an RSS feed simply to your site
If you would like to inform people about the updates of your site, you
should have an RSS feed. All those who submit your feed get a notice
when you add new content to your site. All you have to do is a little
bit of editing in the feed file, and then you can promote your site.
(Opera can handle feeds and it is for free.)
In the html file add insert this line into the <head> section:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="feed.rss" title="RSS feed for My Page">
You can also place a link for your feed in the <body> section:
<a type="application/rss+xml" href="feed.rss">RSS feed for this page</a>
If you test your page now in Opera, you will see the RSS logo in the
right side of the address bar. If you click on it, you can submit to
the feed.
But first you must create the feed file itself ('rss.feed'):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>HARDREAD RSS</title>
<title>RSS feed</title>
<description>From now on we got RSS feed</description>
<title>new year, new design, new content</title>
<description>We have a brand new webdesign!</description>
'Channel title': the name of your feed (you can have more channels)
'Item title': the name of news
'Item description': the text of the news
Each time you update your site, just add a new <item></item> block.
Have fun using RSS feeds, always update your site and add share your knowledge.
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pohar 2006.01.17.